My talks and public events include:
- ‘The making of an arts-based career’. Deakin Creative Arts Research Symposium. Deakin University. Melbourne, Australia, November 2019.
- ‘Playing with Pride’. Panel on LGBTQ+ gaming. Glasgow ComicCon. Glasgow, September 2019.
- ‘Bouncing back from disaster: “adaptive resilience” and Live Art in Scotland’. PSi#25, University of Calgary, Canada, July 2019.
- ‘Queerying Method’. Research methodology workshop for SGSAH Summer School. Glasgow, June 2019.
- Live Art Scotland Forum and Live Art Lunches, organised as part of Take Me Somewhere festival, Glasgow, May 2019.
- ‘Postdigital communities’ with Leonie Gasson. Artslab Postdigital Research day. Centre for Contemporary Arts, Glasgow. April 2019.
- ‘Back to the Sweatshop’. Cruising the 70s. University of Edinburgh, Traverse Theatre, March 2019.
- “Kill all in authority” – anarchism and violence in the work of David Hoyle, TaPRA, University of Abersytwyth, September 2018.
- From Egypt to Scotland, across borders and genders– National Theatre Scotland’s Adam and the figure of the trans migrant”, IFTR/FIRT, University of Arts Belgrade, June 2018.
- Between Strangers symposium, organised as part of Take Me Somewhere festival, Glasgow, May 2018.
- Optimism at the End of the World, invited paper at London Theatre Seminar, London, December 2017.
- Illegible Laughter: recognition and effacement in the work of La Ribot, TaPRA, The University of Salford, Manchester, August 2017.
- Queer Fun, Royal Vauxhall Tavern, London, June 2017.
- The Familiar Stranger: Gender and Citizenship in the Border Performances of Tanja Ostojić. Spaces of Exile: Performing Borders in Europe, Tramway, Glasgow, June 2017.
- Disgusting bodies: Martin O’Brien and the performance of (auto)immunity. Theatres of Contagion: Infectious Performance, Birkbeck University of London, May 2017.
- Solo performance in Europe. Goethe Institute sponsored panel, SIDEBURNS symposium at //BUZZCUT// festival, Glasgow, April 2017.
- Performing mindfulness: self-care and the responsible subject. The Art of Care-full Practice Symposium at Take Me Somewhere festival, Glasgow, March 2017.
- Minor literatures/dramaturgies: the figure of the outsider in Frank B’s Milk + Blood. TaPRA, University of Bristol, September 2016.
- Queer Ressentiment and History as Progress: The Backwards Drag of Margaret Thatcher Queen of Soho. IFTR/FIRT, University of Stockholm, July 2016.
- Scottee’s Party Politics: EU Referendum debate. Hackney Showrooms, London, June 2016.
- After The Arches: Queer Space, Clubbing and Glasgow’s Culture Wars. Queer Performance Now, Kings College London, June 2016.
- Screening of Ghost In The Shell and panel discussion on queer cyborgs, staged as part of Scottish Queer International Film Festival / EXPLORATHON, Glasgow, September 2015.
- Laughing in the wrong places: complicity in feminist and queer performance, presented at TaPRA, University of Worcester, September 2015.
- Ron Athey in conversation, staged as part of Glasgay 2014. Gilmorehill Centre, Glasgow. November 2014.
- The problem with (queer) martyrs, presented in absentia at TaPRA, Royal Holloway University London, September 2014.
- Temporal attachments: queer time and the (re)staging of monogamy, presented at Queer Futures group, FIRT/IFTR, Warwick, July 2014.
- What’s Next for Queer Performance? Panel discussion presented as part of Glasgay! 2013 with Martin O’Connor, Stef Smith and John Binnie. Gilmorehill Centre, Glasgow. October 2013.
- ‘Performing chronic time’, presented at TaPRA, Royal Conservatoire of Scotland, September 2013.
- ‘Affects of optimism’, presented at Queer Futures group, FIRT/IFTR, Barcelona, July 2013.
- ‘Apprehending queerness: representation after visibility’, presented at TaPRA, University of Kent, Canterbury, September 2012.
- ‘Authentically Queer’, PSi#18, University of Leeds, June 2012.
- ‘Queer/Welsh and Welsh/Queer: performing hybrid identity’, presented at Performing Wales: Theatre, Art, Identities (annual conference of AWWE), Newtown, Powys, April 2012.
- ‘I see no mountain: autobiography and identity in the Welsh landscape’, presented at TAPRA, Cardiff, September 2010.
- ‘Queer constituencies: theorising (un)marked identities in applied performance practice’, presented at Theatre Applications, Central School of Speech and Drama, London, April 2010.